fringe tee

DIY Project (Do It Yourself)

Hey Fashionistas and Fashionistos,

Last week I went to a concert. A couple of days before, I was wondering what I was going to wear. I thought of a fringe shirt and pictured my entire outfit in my head. I didn't have any shirts in my closet that I wanted to cut up, so I went to Goodwill to buy a cheap top.


Once I did that, I looked up a tutorial on how to make the fringe top. It had taken me about 30-45 minutes because I wanted it to be precise. I love the finished  product! Check it out!


I didn't get to take a picture of my entire ensemble, because it was such an eventful day. (NEXT TIME!!) However, with the top I wore high-waisted shorts, black tights, and combat boots. Check out my selfie wearing the top. Super cute!


What do you think? If interested, just go to YouTube and you will find all types of tutorials.

Follow the Instagram page @phashionphorward!


Phyllis ♥